Monday, August 23, 2010

Our 48 Hour Film "Best Friends Forever" to screen in the Best of Portland show.

We made it! Our film is going to show at the Hollywood Theater once more this coming Thursday, August 26th at 7 PM. This show is a lineup of the judges picks from all 4 of the previous screening groups - which means there will be awards given out after the showing. Please join us at the screening and check out all of the finalist films:

- ";-)" by 7#$
- "Best Friends Forever" by Cinema Queso
- "Unwanted" by Dream a New Reality
- "Art of Love" by Green Glass Productions
- "Projector" by Limbo Films
- "Waste Not, Want Not" by Man Vs. Film
- "The Aroma of Love at Room Temperature" by Monsieur Soeur
- "Dick's in Space" by Opera Cinema Strike Force
- "Hit Count" by Overcast Productions
- "Man without a Song" by Rodney Dangerfilms
- "Gamma Girls Alpha Force..." by Splat!
- "Losing Grip" by Studio Forty7
- "Lula" by Two Toddlers

I've been told that this show could possibly sell out early - so GO HERE to get your tickets soon if you plan on showing up.

1 comment:

Buh-reh-aa -- desu. said...

So, how did it go? Up until a week ago I had only fifty dollars, therefore...Also, last year (maybe you remember this?) I showed up early to the theater and it sold out with only two people ahead of me in line. Is "Best Friends Forever" up on YouTube yet?

I was wanting to link you to my brother's blog:

He created it as a sort of online portfolio of his sketches. He mentioned that he was gonna soon try to link it up to some past animation that he's done. So yeah, check it out. Pretty funny stuff.

See you soon.